The lists below are presented in a plain text format as two matrices one for the up action (U) and one for the down action (D). Each matrix is specified row by row. All of the lists are presented as biracks, that is with both U and D specified; for the quandles and racks, the D action is the identity.
The up and down actions contained in the lists on this page correspond to the maps sa and sa. The lists are defined up to isomorphism: permutation symmetries (conjugation), inverse (interchange of classical crossing sign), interchange of the up and down action (orientation reversal), and combinations thereof, as described in reference [1] on the finite biquandles page.
The essential welded pairs above may be used by the braid programme to calculate invariants of welded knots. Using this approach a list of distinct non-trivial welded knots has been produced.
The lists were calculated using the programmes:
The following steps were used to calculate the above lists for the cases k=2,3,4,
biquandle-search -n=kbS
mv biquandle.out birack-k.txt
biquandle-search -n=kRXS birack-k.txt
mv biquandle.out biquandle-k.txt
biquandle-search -n=kbRXexS birack-k.txt biquandle-k.txt
mv biquandle.out birack-k-not-biquandle.txt
biquandle-search -n=krS birack-k.txt
mv biquandle.out rack-k.txt
biquandle-search -n=kbRXeS birack-k-not-biquandle.txt rack-k.txt
mv biquandle.out birack-k-not-biquandle-not-rack-k.txt
biquandle-search -n=kqS birack-k.txt
mv biquandle.out quandle-k.txt
biquandle-search -n=kRXeS biquandle-k.txt quandle-k.txt
mv biquandle.out biquandle-k-not-quandle.txt
biquandle-search -n=krXeS rack-k.txt quandle-k.txt
mv biquandle.out rack-k-not-quandle.txt
biquandle-search -n=kbRQDS birack-k.txt
mv biquandle.out quandle-related-birack-k.txt
biquandle-search -n=kbRXeDS quandle-related-birack-k.txt quandle-k.txt
mv biquandle.out quandle-related-birack-k-not-quandle.txt
biquandle-search -n=kXRDS quandle-related-birack-k-not-quandle.txt
mv biquandle.out quandle-related-biquandle-k-not-quandle.txt
dominant-pairs -n=k dominant-input-k.txt
The following steps were used to calculate the above lists for the cases k=5,6
nquandle -n=kT
mv nquandle.out quandle-k.txt
nswitch -n=kR quandle-k.txt
mv nswitch.out quandle-related-birack-k-no-symmetry-check.txt
biquandle-search -n=kbRS quandle-related-birack-k-no-symmetry-check.txt
mv biquandle.out quandle-related-birack-k.txt
biquandle-search -n=kRXS quandle-related-birack-k.txt
mv biquandle.out quandle-related-biquandle-k.txt
biquandle-search -n=kbRXexS quandle-related-birack-k.txt quandle-related-biquandle-k.txt
mv biquandle.out quandle-related-birack-k-not-biquandle.txt
biquandle-search -n=kXrS quandle-related-birack-k.txt
mv biquandle.out rack-k.txt
biquandle-search -n=kbRXeS quandle-related-birack-k-not-biquandle.txt rack-k.txt
mv biquandle.out quandle-related-birack-k-not-biquandle-not-rack.txt
biquandle-search -n=kRXeS quandle-related-biquandle-k.txt quandle-k.txt
mv biquandle.out quandle-related-biquandle-k-not-quandle.txt
biquandle-search -n=krXeS rack-k.txt quandle-k.txt
mv biquandle.out rack-k-not-quandle.txt
biquandle-search -n=kbRXeS quandle-related-birack-k.txt quandle-k.txt
mv biquandle.out quandle-related-birack-k-not-quandle.txt
dominant-pairs -n=k dominant-input-k.txt
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